Did you know that nearly half of all heat lost from an uninsulated solid wall home is lost through the walls?
Loss of heat from your home means that you are spending more than you need to on your heating bills. Reducing your energy bills means reducing your carbon emissions too, so you’re helping the environment whilst saving yourself money.
Adding External Wall Insulation to your house can reduce your annual heating bills by up to £460 (€550) according to research in the UK by the Energy Saving Trust. External Wall Insulation (EWI) systems from Weber will make your home warmer and weather-tight and you can choose from a wide variety of colours and textures to enhance the appearance of your property.
Properly insulating your home will not only help reduce your heating and cooling costs but also make your home more comfortable.
System Description
The External Thermal Insulation Composite System on your house is built up in layers. Beginning with your outside walls, your approved contractor has applied a primer to increase the adhesive properties. The second layer is an adhesive to bond the polystyrene insulation boards to your walls. To further ensure adhesion, the insulation boards have also been mechanically fixed. A reinforcing layer consisting of two coats of a cementous polymer around a glass fibre mesh was added for strength and flexibility. Protective profiles will be used on outside corners and movement joints. A purpose designed over cill will provide a new window cill. Finally, a topcoat of external render has been added for a weather resistant finish. Optionally, you may have a coat of paint added to the render or wish to have it painted in the future. Acrylic render has excellent resistance to fading, chalking and yellowing and therefore tends to maintain its original appearance over time.
• Increased wall insulation
• Reduce heating costs – up to 60%!
• All work by insulation specialist
• Large range colors and finishes
• Water proof finish
• Stops condensation Damp
• A new look for your house
Thermal modernization
Thermal modernization of a building allows saving over 60% of heating energy costs. The time for the return of expenses incurred in connection with thermal modernization works depends, among others, on the scope of modernization works carried out, the type of heating used in the building, the geometry of the building, the kind of walls and the percentage of area under glass. The key element of the thermal modernization of a building is the thermal insulation of its external walls.
System as a construction product
thermal insulation composite system is a composition of precisely specified layers, fixed to the external wall of the building. Its execution consists in attaching thermal insulation panels to the substrate and covering it with a reinforced coat followed by thin layer render. It`s worth to know that in the light of regulations, a thermal insulation system is treated like a construction product. Therefore, it needs to have National or European (ETA) Technical Approval describing unambiguously the composition and the properties of the system.
Thickness of thermal insulation
The effectiveness of thermal insulation depends first of all on the thickness of the thermo insulating material. As a free-of-charge service for investors, experts make calculations of the U value, i.e. thermal resistance of the walls and the so-called diffusion resistance of walls, i.e. water vapor permeability. The current requirements for the thermal insulation capacity of walls, published in the "Regulation on technological conditions to be met by buildings and their situation", state that the maximum value for thermal conductivity coefficient for external walls Uk(max) must not exceed 0.3 W/m2K (for double layer walls).
The thermal insulation system
with the application of elastified foamed polystyrene of very good characteristics in terms of acoustic insulation - enables simultaneous improvement of thermal and acoustic insulation of external walls. Recommended for buildings situated in the noise zone - streets, railways, airports, industrial areas.
Please call to arrange a free non obligation quote from one of our qualified DEA/GDA Advisors.